
Showing posts from February, 2021

Godwin Obaseki and delegates paid condolence visit to Sen. Ike Ekweremmadu over the death of his younger brother Late Hon. Mathias Ekweremmadu.

H.E Godwin Obaseki and delegates paid condolence visit to HE Sen Prof. Ike Ekweremmadu over the death of his younger brother Late Hon. Mathias Ekweremmadu. "Much gratitude to H.E Godwin Obaseki, as well as the Government and good people of Edo State for being there for us in our time of grief". Ikeoha Global ( 28th Feb, 2021 ). ~CAF #PublishedPost


CHILDISH LIFESTYLE : CASTING STONE! Growing up in an impoverished neighborhood and in a family where we had no breakfast most times and lunch does not even exit at all, I was guilty of perfecting that act of casting stone or sticks at riped fruits of oranges, mangoes and cashew on our way to and from school. Basically my breakfast and lunch were served on these trees. But I recall, I never for one day cast stone at any tree without fruits. I had no business with barren trees but when we need fire wood, we cut their branches. We avoided the fruitful ones.  My life story here and experience has empowered me not to take personal attacks from people paid to bring me down. I am a riped fruit. I sincerely expect many casting stone at me. Just like I needed those tree to flower and fruit every year, to continue feeding from them, so you need those of us who are sensitive enough to speak for you to be around for a better tomorrow for your children.  Just as these trees do not adver


CELESTINE OKANYA Director General/Chief Executive Officer Celestine Okanya is an International Expert on Nonprofit Organization Management and administration.  He is a University of Jos trained Pharmacist and a Registered Clinical Pharmacist. He practiced as a military pharmacist. He has over 30 years diverse professional experience ranging from Research, Pharmaceutical Sciences, corporate management, Academic Planning, and management of Nonprofit Organizations.  Celestine worked for United Nations Industrial Development Organizations UNIDO as a National Consultant and Chief Executive Officer of NiNAS under National Quality Infrastructure Programme NQIP funded European Union and Federal Government of Nigeria and implemented by UNIDO.  He was appointed by the Board as the Director General of Nigeria National Accreditation System, NiNAS following the end of UNIDO NQIP.  Celestine Joined Nigeria National Accreditation System (NiNAS) from Peaceland College of Education, Enugu w

Ikeoha Global- Unique and Exceptional Parliamentarian by~Comr Akpa Francis

Ikeoha Global- Unique and Exceptional Parliamentarian ~Comr Akpa Francis     ( CAF ) According to Shakespeare, “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them”, In the spirit of the foregoing it will be logical to say that the former Deputy Senate President & Speaker ECOWAS Parliament has achieved greatness through humility, dint of hard-work, uncommon resilience, iron clad principles and time tasted character traits and above all have greatness bestowed upon him by his creator". Ikeoha Global has used his position in the Senate to attract many developments to Enugu state and beyond, he remains without equivocation, a strong builder of men and unrepentant human capital developer.  His empowerment programs through Ikeoha Foundation have lifted so many young men and women from unemployment and also provided sources of livelihood to the teeming disillusioned and indigent households. H.E Distinguished Sen Prof. Ike Ekweremmadu CFR


IMAGINE ENUGU STATE WITHOUT SENATOR IKE EKWEREMADU IN 2023. Senator Ike Ekweremadu who is representing the good people of Enugu West senatorial district in the red chambers of the National Assembly was born in 1962 at Amachara Mpu in Aninri Local Government Area of Enugu State. He holds both Bachelors and master's degree in Law from the University of Nigeria , and was called to the Nigerian Bar in 1987. He also holds Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Law from the University of Abuja , Nigeria. The Southern University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana (USA), appointed Sen. Ike Ekweremadu as a full visiting professor and senior mentoring scholar of e-governance and strategic government studies. From his disadvantageous background he rose from grass to grace to become a deputy senate president of the Federal Republic of  Nigeria for 12 solid and fruitful years. Just like the saying that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. Ikeoha as he is popularly called is a living witne

Barr. Ifeanyi Nwoga Revalidate his Membership of the APC at His Pooling Unit, Agbani Ward, Nkanu West LGA, Enugu State.

His Excellency Barr. Ifeanyi Nwoga Former Governorship Aspirant of APC and Former Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice Enugu State, today the 14th of February, 2021 Revalidated his Membership of the APC at His Pooling Unit, Agbani Ward, Nkanu West LGA, Enugu State.  He financially supported the ongoing exercise in his area and urge his Nkanu West LGA and his Agbani ward people to register in their large numbers. He enumerated the various infrastructural projects going on across the south East and some federal government Empowerment programs.  At the occasion, he extolled the virtues of His Excellency Geoffrey Onyeama the Foreign Affairs Minister Federal Republic of Nigeria, His Excellency Dr. Ken Nnamani former President of the Nigerian Senate and Leader of the South East at the APC National Caretaker Committee, Dr. Ben Nwoye APC caretaker Committee Chairman Enugu State, Chief Onyemauche Nnamani Auto Star Boss and Member Nigeria Police Service Commissio

H.E Distinguished Sen Prof. Ike Ekweremmadu is a consummate lawmaker by Comr.Akpa Francis

Ikeoha Global: ~Comr Akpa Francis     ( CAF ) "Grace is the kindness that only God bestows. It’s divine and an unmerited favour from God Almighty"    H.E Distinguished Sen Prof. Ike Ekweremmadu is a consummate lawmaker who has proved himself cerebral, hard working, result-driven, a man of integrity, a pan Nigerian and patriot of unequaled measures”. As an Ambassador of Christ, Ikeoha Ndi-Igbo has touched uncountable lives positively, a humanitarian par excellence who accommodate everyone irrespective of social status or class. H.E Sen Prof. Ike Ekweremmadu is a focused, courageous, competent, an experienced leader, an accomplished and exceptional parliamentarian, a statesman par excellence, a quiet achiever, dependable democrat and a core intellectual in politics. Ekweremadu’s infrastructural transformation, charity outreach, and empowerment exploits deserve emulation and celebration, and accomplished legislator who believes in good laws and rule of law as the rea


PROF SEN IKE EKWEREMADU, AN EXTRAORDINARY LEGISLATURE. By: Author Tim Joe In Nigeria, there are three tiers of government (Executive, Legislature, and the Judiciary) each is mandated with particular functions. 1. *THE EXECUTIVE*: The president, Governor, Minister, etc. They implement and enforce the law. 2. *THE LEGISLATURE.*  Senators, House of Rep members at all levels. The law-making bodies and oversight functions. 3. *THE JUDICIARY* Supreme Court Judges, etc. They interpret and punish the law offenders. Going with this explanation, it's clear that the executive is superior among them as he has nearly every machinery under his control.  But as our elders would say: When a child begins to work as an adult, people will misunderstand him that they tend to forget he is a child and takes him as an adult. In Enugu state, the name Prof Sen Ike Ekweremadu is seen more like an executive due to his developmental projects across his constituency and beyond, which only an execut

Why are they against Sen. Prof. Ike Ekweremadu?

*Why are they against Sen. Prof. Ike Ekweremadu?* 1. Is their master contesting? 2. Does Ekweremadu not have constitutional rights to contest for any post in Nigeria? 3. Is it because their candidate cannot match Ekweremadu? On several occasions, I have been lost in thought trying to find out why those hating Ekweremadu is doing it. Sen. Prof. Ekweremadu is man any sensible and progressive person would like to reckon with. Sen. Prof. Ekweremadu has international capacity. Sen. Prof. Ekweremadu is man I have always seen with good developmental plans. Sen. Prof. Ekweremadu is liberal and innovative. Sen. Prof. Ekweremadu is always calculative and articulative. Sen. Prof. Ekweremadu only promises what he know he could do. Sen. Prof. Ekweremadu is a destined leader. Sen. Prof. Ekweremadu has good plans for Ndi Enugu. Sen. Prof. Ekweremadu will restore the pride of Enugu. Ike means power and Sen. Prof. Ekweremadu is powerful. *Ike is here!!!* *Nze Onyefeze1* is assuring you that


*GOVERNOR IFEANYI UGWUANY: LEADING A FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY REGIME.* BY: ANIEKWE CHIBUZOR. Senior Special Assistant to the Executive Governor of Enugu State *Affa/Ikono/Oghu Ward.* One of the major agenda of socio economic rights and accountability project is FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY. It is the framework for open government while its parameters form the hallmark of Public Policy Democracy. Observers and Scholars of development and Public Finance would easily be in unity by agreeing that the Rt. Hon. Dr. Ifeanyi L. Ugwuanyi has entrenched unique paradigm evidently captured in democratization of his Public Finance development and management. It is therefore this democratization of Public Finance that among other tendencies brought the Ugwuanyi led administration into a warm embrace as a fiscal responsibility regime. The increasing public participation in the administration’s budgetary process draws greater impetus to the fact that Public Finance is literary the Finance of the Peo


GOVERNOR UMAHI VISIT TO EKWEREMADU, SYMPATHIZES WITH HIM OVER DEATH OF BROTHER The Chairman of Southeast Governors Forum and Ebonyi State Governor, Engr. David Umahi on Thursday visited the Former Deputy Senate President, Prof. Ike Ekweremadu in his Abuja resident, sympathized with him and the entire Ekweremadu dynasty over the demise of their brother Chief Mathias Ekweremadu. The Governor expressed sadness on the uneventful departure of the deceased who until his shocking death was the Commissioner for Transport in Enugu State. He observed that his death has deprived people of Enugu State and Nigeria of the deceased's invaluable contributions to nation-building. While encouraging the Ekweremadu family, people and good people of Enugu State to take solace in the fact that the deceased lived life worthy of emulation, he appealed to all those directly affected by the death to uphold the development in Christian maturity. He prayed God to grant the departed rest in his bos


JUST IN... DEPUTY SENATE PRESIDENT IKE EKWEREMADU RECEIVES DR OBIORA OKONKWO IN HIS ENUGU RESIDENCE A renowned PDP stalwart and former Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremmadu receives the frontline PDP Governorship aspirant for Anambra 2021 - High Chief Obiora Okonkwo PhD, in his Enugu residence. Details in a bit...

Projects attracted by Sen.Ike Ekweremadu to the people of Oji River LGA

#Some of the constituency projects attracted by #Sen. Ike Ekweremadu PhD Cfr to the people of Oji River LGA apart from his investment in the human capital development which our people  benefited mostly in his immediate last appointment include but not limited to. 1. Isikwe Achi road construction project 2. Egwu -Awgunta road construction project...ongoing 3.okpuno ugwuoba road construction  4. Enugu agu  ujuri - ndube  eekwele road construction... Asphalt on going 5. Ekegbo - ozudaa road construction/ erosion control 6. Provision of 1no of 300.33/415 KVA  transformer to Amaekwulu Isikwe  7. Provision of  1 no of3oo.33/415  KVA transformer to Egwu Achi  community  8. Provision of 1no of 300.11/415 KVA transformer to Enugu state vertirinery school  Oji River.  9. Provision of 1no of 300.33/415KVA transformer  Orjinator  - Ugwuoba community  10. 1.5km High Tension/ 1.5 LTline with one number of 500.33/415KVA transformer in Enugu Inyi 11. Provision of 1no of 300.33/415KVA trans


2023: ENUGU ON A POLITICAL TENTERHOOKS OVER ZONING.  By Ken Eluma Asogwa.  (Note: Read Sun Newspapers of today, 2nd February, 2021, page 23, for the Newspaper version of the article)  On Saturday, 19th September, 2020, Ebeano Family, a political movement birthed by Dr. Chimaroke Nnamani, former governor of Enugu State, paid what they termed a "solidarity visit" to the incumbent governor of the State, Rt. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi. Dr. Nnamani, who spoke on behalf of the hordes of loyalists that accompanied him, pledged to support the choice of the incumbent governor on the issues of succession to the throne of the Lion Building.  Also, in January, 2021, Sen. Ike Ekweremadu led another delegation of Enugu West people to a political pilgrimage in Enugu Government House. In taking a cue from Ebeano visit, he, on behalf of his group, also pledged support to the governor. Though discussed in shush sounds, an average Joe in the State is aware that the former deputy presiden