
Showing posts from February, 2022


APOSTOLIC RESCUE COVENANT MINISTRY INTERNATIONAL                                 BREAD OF HEAVEN                              Monday 28th, February,2022                              Theme !!! The Saviour of my Soul                               Memory Verse!!!!! 1st, John 4vs14                                        And we have seen and do testify that the                                Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the                                World.                        TEXT!!!!! Exodus 23vs 25           PST AmaAbasi Atim Quote!!!!! GOD will surely change your             Insult into a profitable Consultation....                       MESSAGE!!!!!                           Beloved brethren, Special thanks to GOD for seeing you and your family through the Month of February 2022. The month of March will surely bring you breakthroughs and. Marching forward in soul winning and total service for GOD.                   Child of GOD, Jesus Christ is the Saviou


ON ENUGU STATE AND OUR NEXT GOVERNOR  IN 2023 Sen. Ekweremadu remains first choice. Three others come distant second. Basic Realities: 1. Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, by virtue of his position as Governor of the state is a significant quantity,  a partial power giver, but may not be the ultimate power giver. So, his understanding is necessary for a peaceful power transfer in 2023. 2. Senator Ekweremadu,  is a powerful power influencer, and from the list of those being bandied in the social media, he stands way on top of the list, that personally, objectively or subjectivity speaking,  he should be the next Governor of Enugu State. 3. There are people being bandied and  rumored as the Governor's anointed, like a serving commissioner related to the Governor and a Speaker of the House of Assembly.  With due respect, I  don't believe for a second that our Governor would even contemplate such abberation . We are not in a monarchy.  3. There are others that are not even wor

No Governorship Zoning Agreement in Enugu

No Governorship Zoning Agreement in Enugu  Austin Okolie Sometime last year, one had cause to address the purported governorship zoning arrangement or agreement in Enugu, which, as many have rightly described it, is a sheer conspiracy by a political elite class to corner power for their selfish ends in 2023.  They started quite early in propagating the falsehood in the hope that, as Joseph Goebbels of Nazi Germany taught them, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, the people will eventually come to believe it”.  Besides their well-oiled media propaganda to that effect, these purveyors of falsehood have bankrolled all manner of rallies to drum home this falsehood. There were, for instance, the Oganihu Enugu East rally and Ife-Emelumma Enugu West rally, organised to sell this fictional governorship arrangement, which entitles Enugu East alone to the Government House in 2023. The organisers claim that the founding fathers of the state agreed that the governorshi

HE.Sen Ike Ekweremadu CFR attends the 25th Silver Jubilee Celebration of Aninri Local Government Area,

Enugu2022/2023: Man of the Moment  20th February, 2022 HE.Sen Ike Ekweremadu CFR attends the 25th Silver Jubilee Celebration of Aninri Local Government Area, tagged, Celebrating 25 Years of Uncommon Development in Aninri LGA, held @Ndeabor, receives heroic reception.  The Former Deputy Senate President of Nigeria who served as the pioneer democratically elected Chairman of Aninri LGA was accompanied by Rt. Hon Toby Okechukwu MFR, Rt. Hon Dennis Oguerinwa Amadi, Former Council Chairmen of the Local Government, top dignitaries and stakeholders.  The chief host/Chairman of the LGA Hon. Ezekiel Chukwu describes the Former Deputy Senate President as an idealist, colossus, a man of destiny, phenomenon, pacesetter and bridge builder.  Ikeoha Ndi-Igbo receives the Silver Jubilee award in recognition of his outstanding services as the first democratically elected Chairman of Aninri 1997-1998 and outstanding leadership award. Rt. Hon To


APOSTOLIC RESCUE COVENANT MINISTRY INTERNATIONAL                          BREAD OF HEAVEN                          Monday,14th, February,2022                          Theme!!! Operating with the Supernatural keys.                          Memory Verse!!! Isaiah 8 vs 18                             Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath                           Given me, are for signs and for wonders in Isreal                           From the Lord of host, which dwelleth in Mount                            Zion.                TEXT!!!!!  Mathew 16 vs 19,,, Detro,7 vs 13.                 MESSAGE!!!!!                          Beloved brethren, Thanking GOD for the miracle of life, protection and provision, receive Grace to operate with the Supernatural keys in this season in Jesus name.                      Child of GOD, Anyone GOD blesses is blessed beyond measures, Every beleiver is redeemed to operate in the supernatural, no one should be able to predict you or any

A plea for financial assistance to revive a dying girl.

A plea for financial assistance to revive a dying girl We the entire family of Mr. Williams Okoro seek for public supports to save the life of our child who is suffering from cancer.  Okoro, Amarachi is a student of UNN ( library and information science)  who has been managing to live for a long time.  We the entire family has exhausted everything we have as a family trying to save her life in the hospital. Last year we cried out in the social media and the government of Enugu State came to our rescue and took her back to the hospital where her treatment started again... However, we were adviced to take her to India where she will under advance treatment since the case continue to proof abortive here in Nigeria. Please we write to the entire public and to the government of Enugu State to come to our aid as the case is critically getting out of hand...

Ekweremadu floors 21 other Enugu Guber hopefuls in first Opinion Poll

Enugu2022/2023: Man of the Moment  Breaking…  Ekweremadu floors 21 other Enugu Guber hopefuls in first Opinion Poll*  Former Deputy President of the Senate, Senator Ike Ekweremadu, has emerged the preferred aspirant of participants in the first opinion poll in the 2023 Enugu governorship race.   Voters were asked, “Who amongst the following do you want to be the next Governor of Enugu State come 2023?” Ekweremadu, who hails from Aninri Local Government Area (LGA) in Enugu West senatorial zone, secured 25.25 per cent of the votes to beat 21 other governorship hopefuls in the first opinion poll conducted by Afriforecast, a political risks analytics firm with insights in the geopolitics of Africa ahead the 2023 election. Ekweremadu’s closest rival, Mr. Chinyeaka Oha, a retired federal Permanent Secretary from Nkanu West LGA, Enugu East senatorial zone, polled 17.63 per cent of the votes to place second, while Mr. Peter Mbah, a lawyer and businessman from Nkanu East

On Freedom Square this Saturday February 12/2/2022.

On Freedom Square this Saturday February 12/2/2022. Time:10.00AM Topic in Discourse : "2023 NDI OGANIRU ENUGU AND  THE QUEST FOR TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP" GUEST: #Engr.Jude Asogwa Chinedu  President Ndi Oganiru Enugu State . #Bar.Val Ikpa Eze Abakpa State assistant P.R.O Ndi Ogairu Enugu State . #Chief.Hon.Barrister  Sunday Cyriacus Umeha Ezeagu local Government Coordinator Ndi Ogairu Enugu State  #Dr.Bar.Chinweuba Onah Udenu local Government Coordinator Ndi Ogairu Enugu State  Join Uchenna #Cyril Anioke this Saturday For yet another interesting discussion. You can listen Online via or download the solid FM App on Google Store  You can watch and  drop a comment on Facebook solid 100.9Fm. To be part of the Discussion call:07050791009 You can't afford to miss this Program. #Published #EnuguJournalistReporter

Live @Swiss Spirit Hall, PH, Rivers State

Enugu2022/2023: Man of the Moment  Live @Swiss Spirit Hall, PH, Rivers State  HE Sen. Prof Ike Ekweremadu CFR accompanied by Rt. Hon Dennis Oguerinwa Amadi and other top dignitaries and stakeholders at the Interactive Session organised by Enugu Solidarity Group r Ikeoha 2023 & Ikeoha Movement 2023. As the remarkable program kicked off  Ndi Enugu, Better Days Ahead! #IKEOHASMT  #CAF

The Ikeoha Youth Ambassadors Initiative, Port Harcourt branch, wowed me with a dinner organised in my honour to welcome me to PH last night.

Enugu2022/2023: Man of the Moment  The Ikeoha Youth Ambassadors Initiative, Port Harcourt branch, wowed me with a dinner organised in my honour to welcome me to PH last night. I'm most appreciative of the love you showered on my entourage and I as well as the confidence reposed in me. We have quietely invested in the youth over the years through the Ikeoha Foundation. Apart from skill acquisition and other empowerment programmes for our young women and men, we have made modest efforts in seeing a good number of our youth through their tertiary education. Nearly 4,200 students have benefitted from our bursary awards, while 106 students have benefitted from our full scholarships. We give God the glory. Have a wonderful weekend, people. HE Sen. Prof Ike Ekweremadu CFR  Former Deputy Senate President (2007-2019 Unprecedented) Ndi Enugu, Better Days Ahead! #IKEOHASMT