
Showing posts from January, 2022

BREAD OF HEAVEN :Monday,31st, January 2022 Theme!!! Freedom from the Gates of Hell

APOSTOLIC RESCUE COVENANT MINISTRY INTERNATIONAL                                   BREAD OF HEAVEN                             Monday,31st, January 2022                            Theme!!!  Freedom from the Gates of Hell                            Memory Verse!!!!! Math 16 vs 18b                                 Upon this rock I will build my church and the                                Gates of Hell Shall not prevail against it.                        TEXT!!!!!  Psalm 24 vs 7 --- 10.                        Bible References!!!!!!!!!                        *Genesis 49vs19,,,,, Exodus 14 vs 16,,,                          * Psalm 107 vs 16,,, 1st Corin 16 vs 9.                          MESSAGE!!!!!!!                                 Beloved brethren, Congratulations for seeing the last day of January 2022, May GOD satisfy you in Fabaury, 2022 with Testimonies.                 Child of GOD, A Strong and Authoritative word came in vs 7, Saying lift up your head's oh yea Gates

Losers and their usual fatuous song whenever they feel defeated or been defeated

Losers and their usual fatuous song whenever they feel defeated or been defeated By~Cmr Akpa Francis               (CAF) 2015, he want to decamp 2017, he is about to decamp 2018, he is on his way to APC  2019, he want to decamp to APC 2020, he has plan to decamp 2021, he want to dump PDP  2022, he want to decamp to APGA For so many years now, recruited detractors have always tried so hard to discredit the unalloyed loyalty of the Former Deputy Senate President HE Sen Prof. Ike Ekweremadu CFR to Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) whenever they feel defeated and intimidated with the amount of love and support the peoples oriented leader gets from the general public through dissemination of their usual false news of him decamping to another party. As funny as it is, HE. Sen Prof Ike Ekweremadu CFR has always remained a pillar, strong and committed steward of the PDP with thick national recognition and commands respect. "It took Ikeoha Ndi-Igbo a lot of efforts, sacrifices, so


Celebrating a Woman of Substance who has contributed Immensely in the Society....Happy Birthday...May Heaven Continue to Celebrate you. 

Celebration of a Woman of Virtue

Happy Birthday Mummy GO Heaven Celebrates You as you mark this very eventful Day ...We Love you 

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to a Wonderful Mummy and Philanthropist...As you Celebrate today may God Almighty Continue to guide and Protect you.  


NDI ENUGU LAMBAST EX GOVERNOR CHIMAROKE NNAMANI OVER HIS UNDEMOCRATIC AND TYRANNICAL STATEMENT. Just as we wait for the build up  of Enugu state Gubernatorial Election former Governor Chimaroke Nnamani  released a press statement regarding who will succeed Governor Ugwuanyi . Below is the post/statement coming from Chimaroke Nnamani. Press Statement Enugu 2023: Gov Ugwuanyi will choose successor ....... Sen Nnamani Former Governor of Enugu State and Senator representing Enugu East in the Senate, Senator Chimaroke Nnamani has reiterated that it is the prerogative of the state governor, Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi to produce his successor without challenges. This he said was in line with the precedent for the incumbent governor of the state to determine his successor at least since 1999. Senator Nnamani said in Abuja that “We have a tradition in Enugu State politics. The governor is the leader who directs affairs. He will determine who succeeds him without compromising the electoral pro

The International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace,(8th session), holding @Moroni, Union of Comoros Capital (25th/1/2022)

Enugu2022/2023: Man of the Moment  The International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace,(8th session), holding @Moroni, Union of Comoros Capital (25th/1/2022) HE Sen. Prof Ike Ekweremadu CFR ( Chairman of the Committee on Legal and Legislative Matters, The International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace, IPTP,) with the President of the Union of Comoros His Excellency, Mr Azali Assoumani. The International Youth Forum on Peace and Security in Comoros , organized by the Comorian Government in partnership with the Comorian Parliament and in cooperation with the youth associations under the auspices of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace will kick off shortly @Comorian Parliament, Moroni, Union of Comoros Capital.  Ndi Enugu, Let us enthrone the best of leadership alongside proven capacity ,competence, capability and credibility in Lion Building come 2023. HE Sen. Prof Ike Ekweremadu CFR is 100% fit, well equipped and prepared.  #IKEOHASMT ~Cmr Akpa Francis       (CAF)

#The Best in Nsukka and beyond.Kindly contact them for the following Services .Highly Dependable#VAl -VITUS(Engineering and Technological Solution)

#The Best in Nsukka and beyond. Kindly contact them for the following Services . Highly Dependable #VAl -VITUS (Engineering and Technological Solution)

The International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace,(8th session), holding @Moroni, Union of Comoros Capital (25th/1/2022)

Enugu2022/2023: Man of the Moment  The International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace,(8th session), holding @Moroni, Union of Comoros Capital (25th/1/2022) HE Sen. Prof Ike Ekweremadu CFR ( Chairman of the Committee on Legal and Legislative Matters, The International Parliament for Tolerance and Peace, IPTP,) with the President of the Union of Comoros His Excellency, Mr Azali Assoumani. The International Youth Forum on Peace and Security in Comoros , organized by the Comorian Government in partnership with the Comorian Parliament and in cooperation with the youth associations under the auspices of the Global Council for Tolerance and Peace will kick off shortly @Comorian Parliament, Moroni, Union of Comoros Capital.  Ndi Enugu, Let us enthrone the best of leadership alongside proven capacity ,competence, capability and credibility in Lion Building come 2023. HE Sen. Prof Ike Ekweremadu CFR is 100% fit, well equipped and prepared.  #IKEOHASMT ~Cmr Akpa Francis       (CAF)


APOSTOLIC RESCUE COVENANT MINISTRY INTERNATIONAL                                   BREAD OF HEAVEN                            Monday 24th, January 2022                            Theme!!!! Ability to change your family Record                            Memory Verse¡!!!! Roman 8 vs 28                                      And we know that all things work together                            For good to them that love GOD to them who are                            Called according to his purpose.                              TEXT!!!!! 2Chron 15vs7                            MESSAGE!!!!!                          Beloved brethren, Welcome to the last week of January 2022, Good Will give you the ability to change your story and your family Record in Jesus precious name.                  Child of GOD, Be strong and courageous in the midst of adversity, poverty, kidnapping and so many Negativity in the world today, be strong and courageous, for GOD is already prepared to help you ch

Enugu 2023: Nsukka Youth Congress (NYC) Describe Senator Ike Ekweremadu As A Modern-Day High Renaissance man of Broad Talents And Expertise

*Enugu 2023: Nsukka Youth Congress (NYC) Describe Senator Ike Ekweremadu As A Modern-Day High Renaissance man of Broad Talents And Expertise* Renaissance man, also called Universal Man, Italian Uomo Universale, an ideal that developed in Renaissance Italy from the notion expressed by one of its most-accomplished representatives, Leon Battista Alberti that “a man can do all things if he will.” The ideal embodied the basic tenets of Renaissance humanism, which considered man the center of the universe, limitless in his capacities for development, and led to the notion that men should try to embrace all knowledge and develop their own capacities as fully as possible and use it maximally to improve humanity, especially when strength of knowledge and agility counts. For Enugu 2023, Senator Ike Ekweremadu is THE NEEDED HAND.    The above statement is contained in a release made available to the press by Dr. Ugona C. Akah, the President General of Nsukka Youth Congress (NYC), a so

Political Turn-taking- A Perverted Form of Liberal Democracy - CENTER FOR LEADERSHIP DEV. & YOUTH ADVOCACY, Enugu State Chapter

* Political Turn-taking- A Perverted Form of Liberal Democracy - CENTER FOR LEADERSHIP DEV. & YOUTH ADVOCACY, Enugu State Chapter* .... _only incompetence and visionless leaders who are out for selfish political ambition campaign on the basis of ethnicity, division or tribal sentiments._ All over the world, nations strive to bring out the best among its people to hold offices, so that the fullness of its potential can be released to address challenges facing the people, create and utilize opportunities for their advancement. And while liberal democracy ensure that universal representation is achieved through geographic delimitation, leadership opportunities are not restricted to carved-out zones that are not spelled out in the constitution because it not only limits the choice of qualified persons for political offices to a limited area; it also limits the chances of the state to develop, thereby sacrificing merit and  competence.     Liberal democracy is a representati

JUST IN As Unknown Gun Men Storm Obollo Afor .Some security vehicle at central udenu Neighborhood watch office(Obollo afor)Destroyed.Photo credit:UC


Former Council Chairmen & Deputy Council Chairmen, Former top Government appointees, Business Moguls and Stakeholders under the aegis of Enugu 17 United (E17U) led by Hon. Mathias Anike (Mario) paid Solidarity/Courtesy visit to the Former Deputy Senate President HE Sen. Prof Ike Ekweremadu CFR, @his Enugu Residence.

Enugu2022/2023: Man of the Moment  14th January, 2022 Former Council Chairmen & Deputy Council Chairmen, Former top Government appointees, Business Moguls and Stakeholders under the aegis of Enugu 17 United (E17U) led by Hon. Mathias Anike (Mario) paid Solidarity/Courtesy visit to the Former Deputy Senate President HE Sen. Prof Ike Ekweremadu CFR, @his Enugu Residence.  Highlight of the event was the official Inauguration of the leadership of the organization by HE Sen. Prof Ike Ekweremadu CFR.  The group describes Ikeoha Ndi-Igbo as Mr Projects, Role Model, Pacesetter and Bridge Builder who has all it takes to Rebuild and Reposition our dear State, harness the resources of Enugu State into productive services come 2023. Your Excellency, we are here to say "Thank you" for all your uncountable good works in Enugu State and beyond, we are proud of you, Chukwu gozie ma dube gi Sir. We glad that God has m

Udi/Ezeagu is blessed, Rt. Hon Dennis Oguerinwa Amadi, an outstanding Parliamentarian

Udi/Ezeagu is blessed, Rt. Hon Dennis Oguerinwa Amadi, an outstanding Parliamentarian  While the forgoing may not be news, especially to those who have been following his story with interest, he is an outstanding Parliamentarian, brilliant, humble and humane leader with unparalleled love for his constituents and fellow human beings.  The Reward for good work is more work, Rt. Hon Dennis Oguerinwa Amadi is an achiever, truth be told.  Ndi Udi/Ezeagu, Rt. Hon Dennis Oguerinwa Amadi deserves supports and accolades. Attached are parts of his constituency projects.  Powered by Enugu West Accountability Forum


THE FALLACY OF ZONING IN ENUGU STATE AND THE IMAGINATIONS OF INTEREST The issue of zoning of Gubernatorial Candidacy in Enugu State has generated some heated arguments, but the TRUTH is that Enugu, as a state, has never zoned Gubernatorial Candidacy. Let's start from 1999. When democracy returned to Nigeria in 1999, Jim Nwobodo and some other people from Enugu East took the position and gave it to their Kingsman. It is a well known truth that if equity, justice, and fair play were to be followed, Chimaroke wouldn't have emerged because that is the same zone with Jim Nwobodo, and even if otherwise, it would have gone to Nike and Isi-Uzo axis not Nkanu. It was the dictates of the power connectors at that point in time that gave it to Chimaroke. It was not zoning; neither were justice and equity considered. Fast forward to 2007. It was all in the air that Nsukka Senatorial Zone will produce the next Governor. In fact, the issue was no longer whether it will go to Nsukk

The 2019 ENUGU STATE GOVERNORSHIP CANDIDATES FORUM (G '19) pays Courtesy/Solidarity visit to HE Sen. Prof Ike Ekweremadu CFR @his Enugu Residence.

Enugu2022/2023: Man of the Moment  The 2019 ENUGU STATE GOVERNORSHIP CANDIDATES FORUM (G '19) pays Courtesy/Solidarity visit to HE Sen. Prof Ike Ekweremadu CFR @his Enugu Residence.  Your Excellency Sir, the Former Deputy Senate President and the Senator representating not only the good people of Enugu West but entire Enugu State and Igbo land, Distinguished Senator. Prof Ike Ekweremadu CFR,  thank you Sir for finding time from your very busy schedule to have this meeting with us (G '19). Sir, G '19 Governorship Candidates Forum is a political movement that aims to contribute to immensely and decisively to the development and establishment of an integral, civil, democratic, just and potent society in Enugu state and to restore the worth and meaning of public engagement. The goal is to strive for the deepening of popular democracy and the building of the people's power in social, economic and political spheres where collective needs and interests

Ndi Akpa-Edem 1 Community, Nsukka LGA, pays courtesy visit to the Former Deputy Senate President, HE Sen. Prof Ike ke Ekweremadu CFR@his Enugu Residence.

Enugu2022/2023: Man of the Moment  TUESDAY, 4TH JANUARY, 2022. Ndi Akpa-Edem 1 Community, Nsukka LGA, pays courtesy visit to the Former Deputy Senate President, HE Sen. Prof Ike ke Ekweremadu CFR@his Enugu Residence.  Sir, "the good people of Akpa-Edem 1 wish to thank you for your outstanding contribution to the democracy in Nigeria as a Senator and your immeasurable services to Ndi Enugu".  "We came to appreciate you and show our loyalty to your leadership, philanthropy and passion for the development of Enugu State". Your Excellency, we regret to inform you that Akpa-Edem 1 has no single government-sponsored and completed project in our community since the return of democracy in 1999 despite our unalloyed support to all previous Governments in the state. We kindly appeal for your assistance to give our community a borehole.  During dry seasons, our people trek kilometres away to get water, while those who do not have the strengt