Okey Ezea a Man with Zero Integrity and Experience.

Re- Ezea Knocks Gov Ugwuanyi over Kidnappings on Opi--Ugwogo- Nike Road

To say that Okey Ezeah is a man who speaks out of turn at all times is like saying that black is black. He exemplifies a man who talks without thinking and that is a bad sign around a man who aspires to become a Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. 

That the loafing Labour Party senatorial candidate for Enugu North district, Chief Okey Ezea (Ideke),who is still facing a forgery allegation in a court of competent jurisdiction woke up to decry the incessant kidnapping and killing of innocent travellers on the Opi--Ugwogo-Enugu road, in recent times and also urged security operatives to keep life and property safe for all motorists in the area is a welcome development". However, that this loquacious and garrulous entity would go ahead to describe the security situation as "a symptom of the collapse of governance in Enugu State led by Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi," is the height of tomfoolery and idiocy by a man who should know that "national security is not within the authority of the state Government" especially going by the fact that no "national security apparatus is domiciled within the authority of the state government" but rather under the command of the President and commander of the armed forces of Nigeria. 

It is common for a charlatan as he is to play to the gallery, hoping to deceive the unsuspecting and excite in the minds of his half baked media rats a feeling that he is vocal. 

If not that Barr Okey Ezea is suffering from acute selective myopia and amnesia, why is it that "when security is compromised in Benue State, River State etc, he will boldly condemn the federal government but when it happens in Enugu State he will he will blame the Governor? This is being infantile to say the least. 

And more worrisome is the pretended demonstration of empathy. I laugh when I read him saying the Kidnapping  "as heart-rending". This is another example of animated empathy for Okey Ezeah we know has no emotion, passion and empathy residing in him. Or do we forget In a hurry that the same man attacked women during local government election in Igbo Eze South? Any man that can summon courage to attack women has no business with emotion.

But let me quickly remind Okey Ezeah that across Nigeria, from the far North to the South is replete with stories of incidents of kidnapping. To this extent, kidnapping and security breach is not peculiar or particular to Enugu State. 

Corroborating my views above the same Okey Ezeah held that " it's likely the hoodlums displaced from Anambra State have found a safe haven in Enugu's ungoverned space, adding that "Governor Chukwuma Soludo is working hard to eliminate the heinous crime of kidnapping in his state". This is a tacit admission that Anambra was a hotbed of all manners of crimes. But of course that is true. Funnily enough, he didnt pause to ponder on how even when the nation was boiling under the weight of insecurity, Enugu State ranked as the safest city in Nigeria. Was the state ungoverned them? Was it not the deft and mercurial touch of Governor Ugwuanyi that saw the state through those period? 

While we all decry the security situation in the nation and our state, we won't pander to the attempt by any one to ply politics with security issues. We also know what politicians are not exempted from manipulating security just to hang a bad name on the serving government. That is exactly what Okey Ezeah is doing and such act must be condemned by All reasonable people of not just Enugu State but Nigeria.  

Making manifest his lack of even modest knowledge of how security works, "Ideke", who is described by his media aid as "a familiar face in Enugu politics promised that he will, as a senator, always work with the next governor, LP candidate Hon. Chijioke Edeoga, to ensure that Enugu communities are kept safe and secure". This is simply the height of buffoonery and manifest chicanery at play. He is aspiring to be the senator of Enugu North Senatorial District (a major wild goose chase) "but already sees himself as the Senator of the entire 480 Enugu State communities. Should he not be asked how a Senator can do what he is grandstanding about? Is he the Commander in Chief of the armed forces of Nigeria? As a Senator, does his powers include that of being the chief security officer of the Nation? Well, I am not surprised. Speaking out of turn has always been the Achilles heel of loquacious and garrulous speakers. 

To further masturbate and vent his engorged spleen on the Governor Ezea went on to claim that "the governor gets about N1bn as security vote monthly but all he does with it is doling out cash to organised 'solidarity' visitors at Government House". I also recall that same Ideke had been a regular face in Enugu Government House where he goes cap in hand soliciting for patronage. As far as it was about his benefits nothing mattered. This is a story for another day. 

While I won't be debating the amount that constitute the security vote of Enugu State with our new accountant general Enugu State, Barr Okey Ezeah, but one thing that must be made plain is that "every sensible and discerning Enugu citizen and resident is aware of the quantum of intervention on logistics and equipments across all security arms by the present administration; intervention that has attracted wide acclaims in and outside Enugu State". So it is only people like Okey Ezeah that will question what the security vote is being used for. 

Hearing Okey Ezeah argue that "bandits are operating everywhere in the state unchallenged because Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi has no interest in the people's welfare or security" make me want to ask: has frustration made him go wacko and berserk? Only such person can say that Governor Ugwuanyi does not have the welfare of the people of Enugu State at heart. I put it to Okey Ezeah that "the same Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi has intervened in his own welfare a number of times and he can only be living in denial of he denounces this.

May we thank Okey Ezeah for his half hearted "plea with the kidnappers to free their victims unharmed". What a lousy plea by a man who lacks ideas! What he is telling the world is that if he is the Governor "he will only resort to pleading with the Kidnappers to free their victims unharmed". 

Someone should teach Barr Okey Ezeah to always think before making public utterance and also taking a dig at the Governor..


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