Nigeria Decides 2023: Labour Party no threat to PDP in Enugu, I’ll Build on the Positive Imprint of Ekweremadu- Engr. Osita Ngwu (RG)

Nigeria Decides 2023: Labour Party no threat to PDP in Enugu, I’ll Build on the Positive Imprint of Ekweremadu- Engr. Osita Ngwu (RG).

Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) senatorial candidate for Enugu West, Osita Ugwu believes that the Labour Party(LP) is no threat to the ruling party(PDP) in the state. In this interview, Ngwu who is aspiring to take over from senator Ike Ekweremadu in 2023 spoke on various issues.

Having won the PDP Enugu West Senatorial Primaries, how do you feel?

Thank you for congratulating me. I am glad but I know it is a call to serve. Apparently, not a call for jamboree because even getting the PDP nomination in Enugu West was not easy. We were 13 in number that contested. I think the most viable contested zone in the whole of Nigeria as far as my party is concerned. So, I am grateful for the trust and confidence that my party men and women reposed in me to lead them to victory in the general election for the Enugu West Senatorial election in 2023.

Could you tell us why you chose to run for the Enugu West Senate and what your chances are?

The last time, if you have followed my political journey, I ran for House of Representatives in 2018 against the 2019 election. I had to concede for the incumbent to be able to get a second tenure in the National Assembly on compassionate grounds. My drive has always been to represent my people and provide quality and effective service to the People of my constituency. I have served in my private capacity, and will do more as a public office holder. I want to use the leverage and instruments of public sector to drive and bring development to my people.

I will represent Enugu West effectively in the affairs of the federal republic of Nigeria. As for your question on my chances at the polls, I think it is very bright. By the grace of God, and the support of the good people of Enugu West Senatorial Zone, we will win the election convincingly.

With the political rumbling of other growing political parties, what are the chances of PDP winning Enugu?

I don’t think we have any genuine threat. PDP has been in Enugu and has performed as a government in Enugu. The best thing PDP did in the last primary election was to produce credible and competent candidates. If you check from the House of Assembly to National Assembly and then to our governorship candidate, the party produced credible candidates. The political awareness is very high in Nigeria. People are looking for competent and credible candidates now. This is an era of where people are clamoring to vote candidates of their choice and not just political parties. So, we have two things going for us. PDP is the only party on ground in Enugu and have sustained its structure. It is the only party that is widely spread in Enugu that you can find in all the nooks and crannies of the rural communities; it is one advantage for us. The second advantage is the quality of candidates that the party produced. We have candidates that can win elections even if they are running from other parties. We have the best chances of winning this election. I don’t think there is any genuine threat but it won’t stop us from working hard. We must continue to talk with our people to reassure those that are already with us, and convince those that are not yet decided.

Don’t you feel concerned that Enugu has been one political party since 1999?

No, I am not concerned. The political party is one thing but it is the people that vote to produce the leaders. It also means PDP has been producing credible candidates. There are other parties in Enugu, APC, AGPA, Labour, etc. They produce candidates and people go to the polls and still vote for PDP. If by any chance they produce better candidates, they can also have a chance. No, I am not worried, provided we have effective and responsible leadership. I will only become worried when my party, PDP starts losing elections to other political parties. It is a good thing that PDP in Enugu State has remained focused in good leadership to the good people of Enugu State.

Other parties are also encouraged to start producing good candidates, so the elections can become more competitive.

With the force and rise of the Labour Party, do you think that it will not trounce the PDP in the forthcoming election?

No, I think the issue of Labour Party is totally misplaced. Labour party is only benefiting from Peter Obi’s popularity and acceptance across party lines as a credible choice for presidency. Labour party will likely disrupt voting demographics for the presidential election, but I don’t think they will make any significant impact in other federal and state elective positions.

What would you say distinguishes your team from the other candidates for this race?

My pedigree and my performance in positions I occupied in the private sector. I have distinguished myself in the private sector of the Nigerian economy.

And I also have a proven record of ability to inspire, mobilise and organise credible men and women of substance in cooperative efforts to achieving extraordinary ends for the greater good of humanity. My uncommon ability to listen and make myself accessible to all, has been acknowledged by the good people of Enugu West.

In addition, some of the people that you see struggling to get tickets under other political parties ran for primaries in PDP. They lost in the primaries and started running from pillar to post, which is their right anyway. The credible candidates that contested with me at the primaries all accepted the outcome and are supporting me. I give them special thanks.

There were speculations following a video trending online that you mocked Ike Ekweremadu who is facing charges of alleged organ harvesting. How true is that?

It is laughable to say that I am mocking Ike Ekweremadu; I can’t do that. It is not in my nature. In a campaign of this nature, you will always have overzealous supporters who may be overtaken by heightened emotional frenzy that is usually associated with internal party primaries, and may do or say hurtful things.

However, I wish to clarify that this particular video was captured in the heat of things, when we just finished the primaries; I think two days or so after the primaries, and one cannot personally control the emotions of everyone. If you watch that video, you notice that I didn’t react. I was just standing.

The first time I saw the video online was on June 6; so it’s not a recent video.

The video was made many weeks before the unfortunate ordeal of our Senator occurred.

People are bound to make mistakes, retract and apologise. The people in the video couldn’t have predicted that Senator Ekweremadu’s present predicament will ever happen. It is very unfortunate and shameful that someone wants to play a political card with it now.

Senator Ekweremadu, who has been serving as our senator since 2003, has performed well. I was interviewed two or three times in the past two weeks and I said it clearly. I am going to continue from where he stopped, and consolidate the gains he has made so far.

I spoke with Senator Ike Ekweremadu several times after the primaries.

He congratulated me and we scheduled to meet immediately after his return from his trip because I need his guide, support and assistance. It is that trip that he is yet to return from, very disheartening. And while we are all praying for him, I am directly in touch with his family even up to last week. His current ordeal can happen to anybody. We will continue to pray for him and will receive him here sooner than we think because he will be exonerated

Ike Ekweremadu was a high-ranking senator who spent so many years in the Senate. Do you think you will fit into his big shoes?

Distinguished Senator Ike Ekweremadu performed creditably to the benefit of our people, and I intend to continue where he will stop. I have the courage, competence and capacity to improve on his achievements.

What would be your plans for the people of Enugu West if elected as the senator?

I will provide them with effective leadership and effective representation. You know the job of the senator is lawmaking, primarily. So, we are going to make laws that will create opportunities for our people. We are going to legislate laws that will enhance the people’s welfare, create jobs, security and good governance in Nigeria.

I will focus legislative effort ion sponsoring or supporting bills that will promote excellence in education, skill acquisition and improved healthcare for the good people of Nigeria. I will continually lobby for the appropriation of funds for projects to be sited within my Senatorial constituency for the benefit of all.

The fulcrum of my legislative efforts will revolve around Human Capital Development, particularly skill acquisition and job creation (through support for Small and Medium Scale Enterprises).

With inflation just around, do you think you have the financial war chest to tarry along till the day of the election?

The election is almost five months away. Elections these days are not about who has the highest money. The people are aware of who they are going to vote for. The people have confidence and trust in me. They are not expecting me to carry money and give them and I don’t have all the money to throw. I am not hoping that it is money that is going to buy Enugu West senatorial seat. I hope it is the credibility and capacity of my person to give effective representation that will count.

What would you say is the greatest challenge facing the people and the state as a whole?

Among the greatest challenges in Nigeria today are insecurity, dwindling economy, poor education and healthcare infrastructures, which every part of the country is dealing with.

I think the Federal Government has not done enough to solve the insecurity problem that has now come down to the South East. I think the root cause of the intractable insecurity challenges we are having today is the inorganic, unintelligent and unintelligible security and administrative structure of the Nigerian federation. I will spend substantial legislative effort in crafting, sponsoring and supporting a comprehensive bill to restructure Nigeria back to a secure and productive nation.

Even today, as we speak, there was an attack on the police station within Enugu West. The current APC led Federal Government has put the whole nation in deep security and economic jeopardy.

What advice would you give to the electorate towards this forthcoming election?

To be steadfast and monitor the candidates; they should avoid campaigns of calumny against perceived opponents. People should have issue-based campaigns. Voters should open their eyes and listen to what the candidates have to offer. Be prepared to vote and protect their vote.

What do you think about the Labour Party candidate in Enugu West senatorial seat?

The Labour Party candidate that I saw INEC publish is Uchenna Ekwe. He was in the House of Representative years back. He’s not new to politics, a fine gentleman who I also have respect for. He cannot be taken for granted. But another fact is that the Labour Party in Enugu West is having an internal crisis especially regarding his candidature. They are in court because someone who lost an election in PDP has gone to sponsor a court case against Labour Party and its candidate to create unnecessary problems for them in LP after trying and failing in PDP.

I hope they resolve their issues because it is distracting the candidate, and I wish him luck. My focus now is on Osita Ngwu, PDP, the people of Enugu West and the job ahead.

How are you going to unite Enugu West after the election?

I am a peaceful person and a unifier. We were 13 that contested for the ticket of Enugu West under PDP. I visited 11 of them immediately after we finished the primaries, to ask for their support and they all gave me their word. Some have hosted me and are all part of our campaign. If I was able to unify Enugu West PDP after a very grueling primary campaign and election, then you can easily predict what I will do after the general election. I will raise the olive branch and make sure that all of us work together to develop Enugu West.

What strategies and platforms do you have on ground to get the full support of the youth?

Remember I am also a youth, so this election is our project. The biggest youth platforms we have in Enugu West are all supporting us. We have about four youth groups now campaigning vigorously. On September 29, a youth group called Renaissance Youths held a mega rally in Udi Local Government in support of PDP candidates. Thousands of youths came out. We have youths strongly behind us. We have several other platforms too. We have women groups, teachers, motorcycle riders (okada), and market women all supporting us. Persons living with disabilities have an association that has thrown their weight behind us. It’s overwhelming. It’s almost like the election has already been won.

What is your take on zoning in the state?

It’s a political party affair. I support zoning and I will remain an advocate of zoning.

Ranging from insecurity to economic crises in the Southeast, which would be your priority?

Security is key. I think when you tackle insecurity, the economy will continue to thrive. It’s like the chicken and egg situation. They have mutually beneficial relationship. Probably, insecurity is caused by a bad economy and a bad economy causes insecurity. Once you deal with insecurity, then you can go back to work. You should know, it’s not about the Southeast. In Nigeria as a whole, we have insecurity and economic problems.

What gives you an edge in this race?

My experience, my competence, my intellectual capacity; I have performed. We have nine political parties that have forwarded candidates for the next election. I have looked at the candidates they have produced and I have not seen anyone that can match me in performance in terms of what I have achieved as a private individual both in experience and capacity. I stand out because I have performed. I can also tell you that in Enugu West, I am one of the highest employers of labour through the factories that I have set up. I presently employ about 600 people, and I can tell you confidently that there’s no other person amongst those contesting with me that have up to 10 or 15 people under their employment.

Therefore, the difference is clear.

Do you think the PDP will retain power generally in Enugu State and why?

I am very confident that PDP will retain power in Enugu after the 2023 general election. Enugu State will remain PDP because as I earlier mentioned, the PDP candidate for the Enugu state governorship election is a very successful business man who has come home to help.

Dr Peter Mba is a perfect example of a distinguished entrepreneur and public administrator wound in one person. Enugu State is very lucky to have a man of his ilk make himself available to serve us at this time.

I have no doubt he will be elected as the next governor of Enugu State, and we will all be better for it.

All other political parties have candidates who don’t even have a manifesto. Our candidate will unveil his manifesto on Thursday, October 13 and I urge you to also come and witness the unveiling of that manifesto. All the others are not sure why they want to go to the lion building.


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