Political Praise Singers From Igbo Eze North Should Allow Governor Ugwuanyi to work.

So my local government of Igbo eze north rolled out drums, planned a rally they called thank you visit for Gov Ugwuanyi but unfortunately Gov Ugwuanyi had more pressing issues to attend to in government house yesterday the rally was going on or held. In fact, Gov Ugwuanyi snubbed the rally Onyeke G Onyeke was announcing here on Facebook and was busy telling whoever wanted to hear about the rally but unfortunately Ugwuanyi gave them the highest embarrassment of their life.

Why won't Gov Ugwuanyi snub them? Even he the governor knows that his performance in Igbo eze north can't get him 30% in an exam of 100%. He knows he has nothing to be thanked for in Igbo eze north therefore the honourable thing is to shun such charade organized by political merchandisers and food is ready politicians. Hahaha 😂...

The home local government of the governor, Udenu has not organized such a thank you rally since the governor assumed the post even though he has given them good road networks connecting the villages in Udenu and with their neighboring communities like Mbu, Nsukka, Iheaka/Ovoko and Enugu ezike.

Ugwuanyi has proven that charity begins at home by the amount of road projects he has in Orba where every "apian way" is getting a touch and relocation of almost government institutions to Orba.

My people that are celebrating and organizing thank you rally for him, what did they get in return? 2km roads each for Ogrute-Nkpamute-Igogoro-Ikpamodo-Okpo-Amaja and Ogrute-Umuogbo-Umuopu roads, the general hospital they claimed is undergoing rehabilitation but in actual sense it's just a window dressing to make it look like the governor really wants to do something but we know from the past antecedents that he has no intention of completing it. Is it the fire station or maybe the Ogrute internal road he's currently doing the drainage which may follow the way of other projects before it.

It's only in Enugu ezike that the governor has perpetually refused to complete any project he started. In Nsukka local government, he completed every project he started and still doing more. In Uzo Uwani, he completed the Eziani-Nimbo road without hassle. In Mbụ same thing not talk of Udenu where construction equipment are busy daily.

There's no doubt that Enugu ezike has the highest praise singers in this administration but they are not doing it for the amount or quality of projects attributed to Ugwuanyi but because of personal gains and crumbs they are receiving from the governor.

It's time the people and political leaders of Igbo eze north took stock of their journey so far in this administration and take a decision to chart a new course for their liberation for lip service politics they are currently playing

Kelechi Onu 


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