By Arch. Uche Ugwuoke
Nsukka, Enugu State

Those of you who have been arguing blindly, plse listen very carefully. 

1999: There was no agreement and no discussions by either the political leaders or Tradional rulers on which zone the Governor should come first. Or which zone will come second or third, "NEVER".


PDP was then lead by Chief Jim Nwodo while APP was lead by G.N.G, Chief Benard Eze & co.
To prove that there was no arrangement or agreement, for if there was any, leaders like Chief Jim Nwodo and Former governor of Enugu state Dr. Okwesilieze Nwodo would have been part of it. Now see what happened in PDP alone, Jim Nwobodo was leading a faction in PDP while Dr. Okwesilieze Nwodo was leading another faction in the same PDP, Dr Okwesilieze  Nwodo was the National Secretary of PDP.

So while Jim Nwobodo was sponsoring/supporting Dr. Chimaroke Nnamani from Enugu East, Dr Nwodo sponsored/supported Nduka Agu from Enugu West, if there was such arrangement, Dr. Nwodo would have picked  someone from the same Enugu East zone. 

Am discussing these two leaders because they were the highest political juggernauts who were supposed to be part of any such arrangements or agreements if there was any.

Then the PDP primary election was so hot/tough, what saved Dr Chimaroke Nnamani was that the results from Udi arrived Presidential hotel Enugu - venue for the collation of results for PDP primaries, at the counter in the reception, political leaders from Udi gathered to see the results before presenting it to the collation officer upstairs, on presentation of the results sheets which had very big figures in favour of Nduka Agu, to these Udi leaders, Barr Ugochukwu Agbala snatched the result sheets, squeezed it, threw it into his mouth, chewed and swallowed it, the rest are stories. .

That was what gave Dr. Chimaroke Nnamani victory in 1999 PDP Governorship primary election. Dr. Chimaroke is from Enugu East while Nduka Agu is from Enugu West, does that show that there was any agreement/arrangement on where it should come from?

Meanwhile,  G.N.G  from Enugu West still contested the general election for Governorship on the platform of APP with late Chief Benard Eze as his Deputy governorship candidate, "SO WHERE WAS THE ARRANGEMENT OR AGREEMENT"? 

This was the 1999 election and the beginning of democratic elections in Nigeria after the 1983 military coup. Now, there was no ROTATIONAL arrangement or agreement with regards to Governorship of Enugu state, so if it was not done at this point, when and where was it done? 

Permit me to remind Barr. Ray Nnaji that in 1997 when he was the Chairman of Nkanu West on the platform of UNCP, he refused to support  Dr. Chimaroke Nnamani for Governorship from Enugu East zone and his Local Government, instead he supported G.N.G. who is from Enugu West saying that  G.N.G made him L.G. chairman, nothing changed until 1999 then party names changed. 

2003: If there was any arrangement or agreements, every zone would have allowed Dr Chimaroke Nnamani or any other candidate from Enugu East to complete their tenure but see what happened because I was involved. 

As the build-up to 2003 gathered serious momentum, it was believed that Dr. Chimaroke Nnamani wasn't doing well security wise, so alot of contestant came out, but let me talk on the one that was very popular to the extent that if there was free and fair election, people believed he would have won. 

Am talking about Dr. Fidel Ayogu, he was so popular both in Nsukka and other zones, now at this level of 2003 election which was supposed to be the second and completion tenure of Enugu East, tell me, where was the arrangement or agreement?

Dr. Fidel Ayogu would have won the election but for the terrible killings and burning of more than fourty cars that took place at Enugu Ezike two weeks to the Governorship election, infact attack was targeted at Dr Fidel Ayogu because of his popularity, it was so hot that Dr Fidel Ayogu lost two of his mobile policemen, not to talk about civilians that lost their lives. ANPP decided to boycot the election for security reasons, while Dr. Fidel Ayogu is from Enugu North zone, other contestants like Ohamadike and Omeiheukwu from Enugu West etc still contested. With the above, pls can they tell Ndi Enugu, IF THERE WAS ANY ARRANGEMENT OR AGREEMENT?

2OO7: In 2007, Dr. Chimaroke Nnamani had a very serious challenge to pick his successor. There was no arrangement or agreement and I will prove it again.

Dr. Chimaroke's biggest pressure came from his then SSG - Dr. Dan Shere who came from Enugu North and his Deputy ( Okechukwu Itanyi ) who also came from the same zone.

Ugochukwu Agballa was also in the race. But Dr. Nnamani settled for his friend, his former SPA on Legal matters and later, Attorney General of the state ( Sullivan Chime ), Dr Nnamani was looking for someone who is not a politician with a legal background to protect the past. 

Now the general election of the Governorship of Enugu state in 2007 witnessed Dr. Fidel Ayogu - Enugu North, Ugochukwu - Agballa Enugu West, Ohamadike Enugu North, Okey Ezeah Enugu North, etc pls can they tell Ndi Enugu, WAS THERE ANY ZONAL ARRANGEMENT OR AGREEMENT? 

2011: The Governorship election witnessed contestants from Enugu North and Enugu West. They are Okey Ezeah Enugu North. Ohamadike and Dr Eddy Ugwu both from Enugu North. This was also supposed to be the completion tenure for Enugu West. If there was any arrangement or agreement, nobody from other zones would have contested.

At a point Sullivan came to Nsukka met and pleaded with leaders. It was at this point that a decision was taken that Nsukka will vote for him in block leaving their sons, but that he must promise to hand over to Nsukka man after his second  tenure. The resolutions to that effect was read by Igwe Osisi Itodo at Ogrute Enugu Ezike. If there was any arrangement or agreement, should that have been the case? Let them tell Ndi Enugu, WAS THERE ANY ROTATIONAL ARRANGEMENT/AGREEMENT?

2015: Before 2015 Governorship election in Enugu state,  the leaders of Nsukka lead by Late Igwe Charles Abangwu continued pleading with Sullivan Chime in every occasion to promise him that he will hand over to Nsukka man. In fact at a point when it was rumored that he was considering somebody from another zone, he was invited  to Eha-alumona for special meeting with the leaders.There he was reminded that they kept to their promise during his second term election. At the end of the day, Omeiheukwu from Enugu West still contested with Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi. That accounts for the numbers of contracts Omeiheukwu's company has  been executing since Gov. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi came to power. Let them tell Ndi Enugu, if there was so called zoning arrangement/agreement, should that have been the case? SO WHERE WAS THE ARRANGEMENT OR AGREEMENT?

I believe I have been able to prove that there has never been any Rotational arrangement or agreement with regards to Governorship position in Enugu state, both past Governors and present one all came through lobbying and interest.

It's time Ndi Enugu knows the truth and get it Right come 2022/2023.



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