The True Narrative of the Controversial Billboard by Comr.Akpa Francis

On the issue of the above billboard:

I have decided not to interfere in this issue but since they have failed to let the sleeping dogs lie, then permit me to make the following submission cum question:

The said billboard lasted for over one month at the location it was erected, and the Chairman of Awgu LGA makes  regular use of the same axis/junction daily when going  and leaving from work, does it means that the Chairman of Awgu didn't see or read the said billboard all the while it lasted during which he passes through that axis/junction ?

It is conventional and verifiable that whoever that erects a billboard for an event or someone, puts his or her picture or name in the same billboard for courtesy purposes. But in this particular billboard, can anyone spot the name or picture of the person they claimed to have erected the billboard? If the said Billboard only has the smiley pictures and names of Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi and Hon. Pedro Okwudili Nwankwo ( Chairman ), can these jobless charlatans explain to us who the hell is the ghost that erected it?

The baseless claim that the Billboard was erected by Awgu LGA Chairman's supporters is a huge fallacy, compounded also by the undeniable fact that the Chairman knows his supporters and the very supporter who, according to the fantom lies, erected that Billboard must have reached him before or after doing that, and at this point, can they mention the name of that "ghost" supporter who erected the Billboard without the normal courtesy of including his name and picture?

Or does it mean that the Chairman is not aware of what's happening in his locality ( Awgu LGA ) ?

The first person that shared that Billboard banner design on Facebook was Mr Donatus Okolieuwa who serves as his Media aide, are they also trying to inform Ndi Awgu and general public that the media aid always act without the permission, instruction or direction of the Chairman?

If they can provide answers to the above questions... but till then!

At this juncture, permit me also to let Ndi Awgu and general public know that the said Billboard was erected by Awgu LGA Chairman, hence, the inclusion of only his name, picture and that of His Excellency,The Governor.

Let me also advise the political jobbers and the hungry portfolioless appointees who are parading lies to mislead Ndi Awgu and general public to retreat because they are only doing more harm to the Chairman of Awgu LGA than good, it's either they let the sleeping dogs lie or they continue ridiculing and damaging the image of who they think they are doing good to via this sort of negative publicity.

Thank you all!

I rest my case for now!!

~Comr Akpa Francis
   ( CAF )


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