Ikeoha Global::A Born and Selfless Leader

Ikeoha Global::

By~ Comr Akpa Francis
          ( CAF )

"He is like an old broom that knows every corner of the house and has brought his wealth of experience in governance at all levels and the legislature in particular to bear in service to his people and humanity at large".

An accomplished parliamentarian who has stood upright in an unprecedented storm of furious resistance and intimidation. 

A well organized, brilliant and humble leader who has fought and always fought for what he believes is right, a Global Parliamentarian who has constantly advocated for a more inclusive governance irrespective of zone, tribe or religion.

An erudite scholar who has spoken intelligently and deeply on matters of security, youth empowerment and on the true meaning of what it takes to be a patriotic Nigerian. 

H.E Distinguished Sen Prof. Ike Ekweremadu is a dogged fighter who has shown that the word, success is a continuous adventure that needs extra measure of commitment and a high sense of responsibility targeted at making life more meaningful for his people.

Since assumption of public office, events have unveiled his dogged, peaceful and coordinated approach to managing political crises, even those which emanated from frivolous accusations and smear campaigns from political opponents and detractors, yet, Ikeoha Ndi-Igbo has always triumphed successfully without the use of uncouth words popularly associated with our today's politicians. 

He is distinguished in many respects, very accessible, friendly, accommodating, brilliant, humane and humble.The manner in which he has taken it upon himself to ensure that many youths (not just from his constituency but beyond his constituency) are empowered through job creation, scholarships and business grants, is a true mark of his sterling leadership style that has no boundary, a case study of Ikeoha Foundation.

From the Chairman of his community age grade, and later, his outstanding performance as the President of his community’s town union, enabled him to win an election as the pioneer chairman of his local government ( best LGA Chairman during his time ), his continuous hard work and humility saw him appointed as the first pioneer Chief of staff to the Enugu State Governor; shortly after, he was promoted to the office of the Secretary to the State Government until he was elected as Senator representing Ndi Enugu West in 2003, then becoming the Deputy Senate President from 2007/2019.

Time has shown that whatever is hidden in the dark shall come to light and Sen Ekweremadu’s continuous growth even in the most uncommon circumstances, has shown how he is a man ordained and equipped by God.

"Your Excellency, your story remains an inspiring tribute to the power of a human being to shape his destiny and the destinies of his environment. You have through quality representation shown empathy and relief where before had existed frustration, despair, animosity and deprivations. You have indeed touched numerous lives, wiped tears and put smiles on countless faces of both men and women, you a man of uncommon resilience and legendary humility".

Ikeoha Ndigbo, may heaven’s light continue to cast its shade on you and may the guards of angel encompass you as you march on!

 Ndi Enugu, Better Days Ahead!!



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