Ugwuanyi inaugurates 200-seater e-library donated to UNN by reps member

Ugwuanyi inaugurates 200-seater e-library donated to UNN by reps member

Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi of Enugu State yesterday inaugurated a 200-seater e-library furnished and donated to the University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN) by the member, representing Nsukka/Igbo-Eze South Federal Constituency, Rt. Hon. Dr. Pat Asadu.

Inaugurating the e-library amid jubilation, Gov. Ugwuanyi commended Hon. Asadu for the bold initiative aimed at improving the standard of education in the university.

The e-library, which is located at Professor Paul Akubue Building, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, comprises 200 computers fully installed with internet facilities and office furniture.

Speaking at the event, the Dean, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Prof. A.A Attamah described the donation as “marvelous” and “unexpected”, adding the gesture has uplifted the university’s quest for educational excellence.

In his remark, the university’s Vice Chancellor, Prof. Charles Igwe, who was represented by the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Administration, Prof. Patrick Uchenna Okpoko, thanked the parliamentarian for “the wonderful gesture”, commending Gov. Ugwuanyi for his good works in the state.

Shortly after the event, Hon. Asadu was honoured with a grand reception by his community, Ovoko in Igbo-Eze South Local Government Area alongside the member representing Igbo-Eze South Constituency, Hon. Emeka Madu.

The reception, which was attended by Gov. Ugwuanyi and other dignitaries, according to the people of Ovoko, was in recognition of the numerous contributions of their two illustrious sons towards the development of their community, the state and the country.

The community also honoured Gov. Ugwuanyi for his support and participations of their sons in active politics and further to confer on him a chieftaincy title of “Ebubedike of Ovoko”.

Speaking, Dr. Pat Asadu, described Gov. Ugwuanyi as a worthy leader and great achiever with human-milk of kindness, whose positive disposition cuts across all segments of humanity.  

He said the governor has “done so well in office and has positively transformed politics in this state”, uniting people and communities that have had issues in the past, such as  Ovoko and Ibagwa-Aka after many years of enmity, “courtesy of your humility and forthrightness”.

He assured Ugwuanyi of the continued loyalty and support of his people even after he leaves office as the governor and prayed for God’s unflinching protection for him and his family.

Also speaking, Hon. Madu who extolled Gov. Ugwuanyi’s leadership qualities and the fatherly role he has played in his life stated that the governor has brought smiles to the people of the area through his infrastructural development and human empowerment programme, stressing that “today’s ceremony is a clear manifestation of His Excellency’s  noble achievements.

“You have brought smiles to the people of Ovoko in particular and Igbo-Eze South in general. Without you we wouldn’t have been here. Your humility, Godly devotion, peace and infrastructural development are unprecedented and worthy of commendation”, Hon. Madu said.

In his speech, Bishop of Enugu North Diocese (Anglican Communion) Rt. Rev. Sosthenes Eze, applauded the governor for entrenching peace and good governance in the state, maintaining that his peace initiative and paradigm shift in developing the rural areas are commendable and unprecedented.

“Your Excellency, your approach to peace and security and your massive infrastructural developments especially in the rural areas, speak volume. We pray God to continue to bless you and your unrelenting efforts to take Enugu State to greater heights.

Earlier, the council chairman, Hon. Dr. Fidelis Odo, disclosed that the governor’s recruitment of forest guards and members of the neighbourhood watch groups has given succor to many families and provided security to the people of the state.

He thanked the governor for making it possible for two of their illustrious sons to represent them at both National and State Assemblies, pointing out that many of their people have been appointed into government by the present administration in the state.

Responding, Governor Ugwuanyi thanked them for the reception and reiterated his unalloyed commitment towards serving the people of the state irrespective of political, religious or social affiliation.

He solicited their continued prayers and thanked them for honouring him with a chieftaincy title.

Other dignitaries at the event include the member representing Enugu East/Isi-Uzo Federal Constituency, Prince Cornelius Nnaji; his counterparts from Igbo-Eze/Udenu and Igbo-Etiti/ Uzo-Uwani Federal Constituencies, Hon. Simon Atigwe and Rt. Hon. Martin Oke, respectively,  State Chairman, Peoples Democratic Party, Hon. Augustine Nnamani; Deputy Speaker of the State House of Assembly,  Rt. Hon. Uche Ugwu, the Igbo-Eze North LGA Chairman, Comrade Uwakwe Ezeja, Chief Engr. Vita Abba, Chief Ikeje Asogwa, Prof. Osita Ogbu, among others.

Enugu State is in the hands of God. ##


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