
Showing posts from February, 2024

Awgu LGA 2024

Awgu LGA 2024 We pray to God Almighty the Maker of heaven and Earth in his infinite Mercy to grant us our heart desires through the Executive Governor of Enugu State in giving us Ndi Awgu a pragmatic and Vibrant Young Man,  His youthfulness Cmr Akpa Francis JP (CAF) the Masses choice as the Caretaker Chairman Awgu local Government area, in him we found through service to humanity,  He is Capable, Competent, humility personified, loyal to the core, trusted party Man, He has the capacity to bring about the changes we're clamoring for in line with the governor's Disruptive Innovative Agenda to move Awgu local government forward Amen.         HE IS READY TO SERVE ~Kingsley Irigwe

Best Makeover Plug in Nsukka Town is here on One month Professional Makeover Class !!

Best  Makeover Plug in Nsukka Town is here on One month Professional Makeover Class !! Darlingtinamakeover  is very  creative, detail-oriented and professional. To her  one  must be able to work with a wide range of clients and products. They must have strong interpersonal skills, as well as an understanding of color theory, light, and skin tone.  You can't afford to miss out on her classes . Check Flier for more detail or DM Omeje Chiamaka Darlingtina  ® Follow Enugu Journalist

Breathe Lounge and Bar Management Appeals to Governor Mbah for Intervention in ECTDA Ordeal"

" Breathe Lounge and Bar Management Appeals to Governor Mbah for Intervention in ECTDA Ordeal"  The Management of Breathe Lounge and Bar, Independence Layout, Enugu, has urged Governor Peter Ndubuisi Mbah to intervene in the ordeal faced by the company at the hands of the Enugu Capital Territory and Development Authority (ECTDA), led by Engr Uche Anya. Speaking with newsmen in Enugu, the Leader of the management team, Mr Tochukwu Okeke, said Engr Uche Anya, who is also their neighbour, has become a thorn in their flesh with a series of disruptions to their activities, including the sealing of the business, harassment, and the use of alarms to disperse their customers, among others. He stated that there are grapevine reports that their neighbour, Uche Anya, wants to embark on demolishing the property in the name of ECDTA, which they have invested over five hundred million Naira to organize, with over 60 staff on their payroll. According to him, " When we thoug

The man Comr Akpa Francis!!!

The man Comr Akpa Francis!!! He stands as a rare gem in the realm of politics, transcending conventional image of politics. His reputation as a trusted ally and a man deeply devoted to his people elevates him to a unique stature. In the often turbulent landscape of politics, Akpa Francis reliability shines like a beacon. His actions speak louder than words, and the trust bestowed upon him by “Ndi Awgu” is a testament to his unwavering commitment to the welfare of the people.  As a trusted ally, Akpa Francis exemplifies the qualities of collaboration and partnership. He understands the importance of working together to achieve common goals, fostering an environment where the collective well-being of “NDI AWGU” takes precedence over personal ambitions. His love for “NDI AWGU” is not a mere sentiment; it is a driving force behind his “ambitions, aspirations and actions.” A man whose decisions are guided by genuine concern for “NDI AWGU”, and he actively seeks ways to UPLIFT, E


RT. HON. BARR. SUNDAY CYRIACUS UMEHA PARTICIPATES IN PUBLIC ACCOUNT COMMITTEE'S OVERSIGHT OF THE OPERATIONALISATION OF THE TREASURY SINGLE ACCOUNT: QUESTIONS VALIDITY OF THE TSA MATERIAL CONTRACT AND RESTATES NATIONAL ASSEMBLY'S COMMITMENT TO ACCOUNTABILITY IN THE USE OF PUBLIC FUNDS At the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) Meeting held yesterday, 14th February 2024, I queried the process of engagement of Remita by the Federal Government of Nigeria as a National Revenue Collector under the #Treassury Single Account (TSA).I Particularly probed why the office of the Accountant General of of the Federation was not part of the material contract; yet playing a consequential role in the operational dynamics of the relationship. To my consternation, the Committee noted that the material agreement was not dated thereby raising serious fundamental legal questions of its validity. In order to have a holistic view of the issues constituted in the relationship amongst

Awgu LGA 2024 Give us Comr Akpa Francis!For the sustainability of the center, the foundation and branches must be strong, efficient and effective.

Awgu LGA 2024 Give us Comr Akpa Francis! For the sustainability of the center, the foundation and branches must be strong, efficient and effective.  Give us Comr Akpa Francis, loyal and astute party man…..a pathfinder with utmost interest of the people at heart…………bridge builder, admirable leader.   Give us Comr Akpa Francis!!! To consolidate and collaborate with our astute and Amiable Governor….. Comr Akpa Francis is a household brand, an astute leader and reliable party man… Give us Comr Akpa Francis!!! He is capable He is educated  He is trustworthy  He is the best man for the job Gives us Comr Akpa Francis!!! “Concerned ndi Awgu”

Heartfelt congratulatory Message to Engr .Hon.Simon Atigwe Winner Igbo Eze North / Udenu House of Representative.

Heartfelt congratulatory Message  to Engr .Hon.Simon Atigwe Winner Igbo Eze North / Udenu House of Representative. Your hard work and dedication has paid off, as you  have earned this victory. You have the trust and support of the good  people of Igbo North/Udenu Constituency and your victory on 3rd Feb has translated to that .  I wish you all the best as you take on to continue as a Member Federal House of Representative and i will continue to look forward to the positive impact you will make as you have always done. It is crystal clear that your victory is a testament to your character and your ability to bring our  people together. Your victory is not just about you - it's about the entire people you represent. Your constituents have put their faith in you, and you now have the responsibility to serve them with integrity and vision. I know you will rise to this challenge, and I am  excited to see what you will accomplish.  Congratulations Once again. Chief .Dr.Ameh K


WHO THE CAP FITS!!! Let him wear it……..    Overtime, we tend to jettison the essence of governance and democracy in choosing leaders… leadership is sacred,a broad course fit only for those built for it.  Core essence of governance is to promote social, economic development and welfare of the common… In election this critical and imperative factor must be upheld…… Let’s pursue with one interest the best for “AWGU LGA” our today determines our tomorrow….only the best is needed this critical moment—-Disruptive thinker, Avid Builder, Goal-Getter, innovative etc,  We ought to put our best foot forward………….governance is for the people…AWGU LGA DESERVES THE BEST FOR CONTINUES RAPID DEVELOPMENT AND UNPRECEDENTED GROWTH Comr Akpa Francis is clothed with requisite materials and skills for the task…………a profound leader, astute and competent.  He is the best……..the best deserves the cap.  Let him wear it!!! “Concerned Ndi Awgu”


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DISTINGUISHED SENATOR OSITA NGWU. On this special day, I want to extend my warmest wishes to you as you celebrate another year of life. Your dedication and commitment to serving the people have been truly inspiring, and I am grateful for the positive impact you have made in our senatorial zone and Enugu at Large just these few days at the senate chamber. Your leadership and vision have been instrumental in shaping a better future for our society, and I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for all that you do. May this birthday be filled with joy, love, and cherished moments with your loved ones. As you continue to lead with integrity and passion, may you be blessed with good health, happiness, and continued success in all your endeavors. Thank you for your unwavering service, and I wish you a very happy birthday. Warm regards, Cmr. Akpa Francis (JP)

Cmr. Akpa Francis: A Disruptive Thinker

_Cmr. Akpa Francis: A Disruptive Thinker_ Cmr. Akpa Francis is a prominent figure known for his disruptive thinking and innovative approach to various challenges. His unique perspectives and forward-thinking ideas have made a significant impact in different fields, earning him recognition as a disruptive thinker. One of Cmr. Akpa Francis’s defining characteristic is his disruptive thinking. He approaches challenges with a fresh perspective, often questioning established practices and seeking out-of-the-box solutions. This approach has led to groundbreaking innovations in areas such as Leadership, business, and social development. Cmr. Akpa Francis’s disruptive thinking has not only sparked innovation but has also inspired others to think creatively and embrace change. His influence extends beyond his own accomplishments, as he continues to mentor and support emerging leaders who share his passion for disruptive thinking. Cmr. Akpa Francis’s disruptive thinking has redefined